The GNW is an OPERATING model railroad. That means we run trains as if it were the real thing… within reason. These don’t cost millions of dollars, don’t require 10 years of seniority to operate, and no one dies if there is a mistake! But operations on a model railroad is a lot of fun. It’s a chance to enjoy the layout, meet new people, and feel like you are actually moving freight.

Planning to Operate at the GNW? Download and Review the GNW Operator’s Orientation (Now UPDATED to VERSION 7 incorporating the Phase III Buildout!). Once done with that, download and review the position descriptions. Yes, read them! They will tell you what to do on any position you might be assigned.
What are the rules of the game? Check out the GNW GENERAL CODE OF OPERATING RULES and Operator’s Handbook. Two versions are offered: One for printing as a booklet with each sheet printed double sided, the other for conventional (flat) printing and on-line reading, either single or double sided.
For a deeper dive into the railroad, check out the General Code of Operating Rule and Operator’s Handbook. It’s FULL of goodies to learn more about the GNW. Do you need to know everything in this gem? Nope. Not at all. But is it fun? Absolutely! Revision 4 is current, and adds signal aspects and indications.
There are 2 versions to choose from. One will print out as a booklet when printed double sided. The other is for “flat” printing on 8-1/2″x11″ paper.
Pocket Reference of Signal Aspects, Indications and Associated Rule: